Yes, we do have a refund policy. If you get incompetent work or something that you did not ask for, you are entitled to a full refund. However, there are conditions attached to our refund policy.

At Online Class Help Desk, we also help you with your plagiarism problem. Our academic experts work with you in minimizing the plagiarism detected in your academic assignments. We offer a 100% plagiarism-free guarantee, and if we fail to provide it, you are entitled to a refund.

A typical refund claim is processed within 90 days of claim.

The customer is entitled to a 100% refund before our experts start your project. If (for any reason) you have a change of mind and decide not to continue your project with us after your order has been placed, you can ask for a refund within one hour of your order being placed. A 15% processing fee will be deducted in other cases.